Full Term

May 8-Aug. 20

First-Half Term

May 8-Jun. 25

Second-Half Term

Jun. 26-Aug. 20

Summer 2023 Full Term and Half Term Calendars

NOTE: If you drop or withdraw from a course, please see the University's Refund Schedule to determine tuition implications

Term Dates May 8-Aug. 20 May 8-Jun. 25 Jun. 26-Aug. 20
First day of classes May 8 May 8 Jun. 26
Last day to register or add a class May 9 May 9 Jun. 27
Online registration closed as of today May 10 May 10 May 10
Last day to drop a course without a "W" appearing on your transcript. 

(NOTE: This may have financial implications. See your financial aid counselor.  Refer to Refund Schedule for information on tuition refunds.
May 15 May 12 Jun. 30
Registration deadline for maximum financial aid eligibility May 15 May 15 May 15
Memorial Day observed May 29 May 29 N/A
Juneteenth observed Jun. 19 Jun. 19 N/A
First-half term final grades due N/A Jun. 29 N/A
July 4th observed Jul. 4 N/A Jul. 4
Fall 2023 registration begins Jul. 10 Jul. 10 Jul. 10
Last day to withdraw from a class Jul. 17 Jun. 5 Jul. 26
Graduation Application for December graduation due Aug. 1 Aug. 1 Aug. 1
Last day of classes Aug. 20 Jun. 25 Aug. 20
Final grades due Aug. 24 Jun. 29 Aug. 24